Disaster zone robot competition announced

A competition to develop next generation robots to work in disaster zones has been announced by the pentagon. Which sounds like a great idea to me to be honest it’s about time alot of money was put in to developing the use of robotics, they could have so many uses and save many lives in emergency situations such as the pentagon is suggesting like radiation zones or locations which are out of human reach. DARPA says its wants “adaptable robots capable of using human tools” such as hand tools to vehicles. Just thinking of the possibilities is great, being able to rescue trapped people, work in radiation areas or even help with bomb situations I’m glad serious effort is finally being put in to this. A $2m (£1.3m) prize is being offered to the team with the best technology. Software engineers, game designers and other experts are being encouraged to take part to achieve more diverse results. With such big encouragement I’m sure certain companies skilled in this sort of area would defiantly be able to produce promising results in a rather quick time frame speeding the process along I hope! Robots have already been used after the tsunami in Japan and the nuclear power plant was damaged which helped extremely in the situation and also are in use in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am very excited about this and am glad it is finally being done and invested in here’s hoping it all goes to plan, peace out people see ya soon!
